Elite Garage
- Super heavy duty treated floor joist 8” O.C .
- ¾” Clear 5 – ply water treated plywood Floor
- Wall Studs 16” O.C.
- 1 – Heavy Duty, white embossed 9’ x 7’ OH door
- 1 – side entry door, 3’ wide, placed anywhere
- 1 – window, 30” x 40” w/½ screen, placed anywhere with Free Shutters
- LP SmartSide with SilverTech Siding and LP TechShield Radiant Barrier Sheathing
- 40 Year Metal or 30 yr. Dimensional Shingle Roof
- Diamond Tread Plate Threshold
Deluxe Garage… with overhangs! At last… a beautiful, movable garage to service or house your vehicle, tractor, or lawn mower!